We’ve all heard stories about the culture at Google. Or Facebook. Or Apple. Or one of our favorites, Hermann Miller. Relaxed dress codes, lounges for co-worker interaction, funky décor, a four-star restaurant for a cafeteria. It makes it seem like “culture” is only for the chosen few. Don’t be fooled. Even a small company or firm can be a part of this seemingly “elite” club. At CMBA, we work hard to foster our culture and really strive for a good work/life balance for all of our employees. But what do we do to attract and keep great people? Here are 6 of our favorite “celebrations:”
Celebrate Birthdays
The beauty of this one is that everyone has a birthday. So everyone can be recognized at least once a year. Whether you sing “Happy Birthday” off-key or simply share a cake or other treats, birthdays are a fun and simple way to make your employees feel special. Bonus tip: We post our employees' birthdays on Facebook with their headshot from our website. They’re among our most popular posts!
Celebrate Anniversaries
Celebrating anniversaries helps reinforce how long your team has been together. Like birthdays, every employee has an anniversary date. But unlike a birthday, you can really make this one unique to your culture. In our Des Moines office, the song “Happy Anniversary” from The Flintstones is played loudly. Everyone claps and the celebrant wears the official hat from The Flintstones: The Order of the Water Buffalo. It’s their own unique way to celebrate and have fun!
Celebrate Accomplishments
Some companies ring a bell for a high-ticket sale. Or light up a board when a new customer is signed. In our Sioux City office, we ring a dinner bell (because we haven’t found the right space for a gong) when we’re awarded a new job—no matter how big or small. It’s our cue for the entire office to come together and celebrate as a group (often with food and drink). Some of the most meaningful accomplishments are kudos from our clients. If a client mentions a job well done, the message is passed on to our entire team. Whether it is about one person or the entire team, the appreciation makes everyone feel great!
Celebrate Family
Recent studies have proven that flexible work hours lead to happier, more productive employees. CMBA has a flexible schedule year-round, with Friday afternoons off in the Summer to enjoy our friends and family. It’s one of the most appreciated benefits among our team.
Celebrate Fun
We do have a “smart casual” dress code at CMBA, which helps build a fun and relaxing atmosphere. But in addition to that, we regularly schedule team-building activities to put a little fun into our day. These monthly events range from mini golf to charades to balloon battles just to name a few. It’s a great way to blow off steam and connect with co-workers.
Celebrate Community
CMBA prides itself on giving back to the communities where we live, work, and play! We participate in multiple events throughout the year specifically for this purpose. As fun as our team-building is, sometimes coming together to help improve our community is an even bigger (and typically messier) deal for our employees. There’s nothing better than a job you love. And a place you love to work. If you enjoy it, it’s not really work! We all have so much to celebrate in our lives—and just celebrating those, no matter how big or small, can create a culture unique to your office or firm. So join us. Go out and celebrate!