Our Thoughts | CMBA

Meet Troy

Written by CMBA | Mar 13, 2019 5:00:00 AM
Looking back at Troy's childhood, it wouldn't be hard to guess what he'd be when he grew up. He was into model building, playing with LEGOS, and working with his hands. Growing up in central Nebraska, he cherished every opportunity he got to build things. Especially when it involved art in some way. He was an architect in the making, although before getting his architecture degree he received a degree in education. While he no longer has his teaching certificate, the world of education is where he got his start and one of the areas he is still passionate about. After moving away from Nebraska for a few years, he decided that he wanted to come back and work for CMBA in Grand Island. In his own words, "the people and the camaraderie among everyone is a really fun environment." Troy's motivation? Making a difference for the people who occupy the spaces he designs. The moments when he sees an employee enjoying their new office space, or a kid's face light up after seeing their new elementary school for the first time. It makes all the challenges and hard work worth it. When Troy isn't working, he loves to stay active by playing basketball. He's also really into old vehicles with a strong affinity for old Volkswagens. He actually plans on one day restoring one with his daughter! Troy's determination and passion on every project, and his dedication to his clients and our CMBA team are what makes him a CMBA Champion!