When thinking about ways to improve your productivity, your mind probably goes straight to things like reading more books, taking a course, or creating some new habits. These are all undeniable contributors to productivity, but could there be something else hindering your productivity that isn't as apparent? As research into human productivity continues to progress, it's becoming widely accepted that it isn't simply the things we do that impact how productive we are. It’s
where we do them. The design and architecture of the building you work in is a large contributor to your overall productivity and wellness. But that's not all...
How Architecture Affects Office Productivity
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Loft Style Office Design: A Blend of Creativity and Sustainability
The evolution of office design reflects a broader shift in how we think about workspaces: From...
Pros and Cons of the Open-Plan Revolution
Open-plan office designs have emerged as a transformative trend in modern workspaces in recent...
Modern Features That Enhance the Workplace Experience
The modern workplace isn't just about fulfilling a function – it's about optimizing every aspect of...
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