Each higher education institution is truly unique. Because of this, many clients aren’t exactly sure what design needs they have, let alone the steps they need to take to get it. In these instances, our job is to help them explore their options. Other times, a client will know exactly what they want, and our initial job is to listen. Whatever the situation, our approach always starts with
you. Our approach to higher education architecture seeks to involve everyone who will be impacted by the project. As important as it may be to solve problems for the client themselves, that’s rarely enough. We need to know what their users (students and faculty) need, want, and expect. We have found that this leads to a widely successful project for everyone involved. Because of this, we’ve optimized our approach around the concept of
listening to everyone and placing a spotlight on your students, in addition to addressing the wants and needs of our clients.
Why Our Approach to Higher Education Leads to Successful Projects
most recent
Designing to Recruit Top Talent
Did you know that the current national unemployment rate is 3.6 percent, with our region averaging...
Transform Passive Spaces into Interactive Learning Hubs in Higher Ed
As we look to the future of higher education, we see a trend reshaping how students learn, engage...
Amenities in Modern Student Housing: From Gyms to Gaming Rooms
Imagine a student housing unit that feels more like a hip, modern apartment complex rather than a...
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